Engineers Australia has responded to the Universities Accord Interim Report and included four case studies showcasing successful cooperation models that have effectively improved engineering education outcomes to meet Australia’s future skill needs. CSU Engineering is the only university degree program they have chosen to endorse and recommend.
Models for cooperation
Engineers Australia points to the Charles Sturt University Bachelor of Technology (Civil)/Master of Engineering (Civil) to showcase innovation in engineering study. This program is accredited by Engineers Australia and has been identified in a report by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) as one of the top four emerging engineering courses in the world.
The course allows students to explore and apply their engineering learnings through authentic problems via four year-long paid placements in the workforce. The program doesn’t involve traditional lectures or exams. Instead, it centres on project-based challenges with student mentored by a diverse academic team. This program has been recognised for its strong program level focus on exposure to professional practice dealing with real-world complex problems and nurturing a blend of technical and general skills. 3
This course is provided to showcase how innovative qualifications can still be accredited.
Link (see Appendix 1 – Case Study 1) https://www.engineersaustralia.org.au/publications/universities-accord-interim-report-submission