With thanks to Nicole Sugden
There have been some fantastic achievements and community engagement activities from the School of Psychology over the past few months.
The School of psychology is currently hosting a CSU global visit to Nepal. Associate Prof Andrew McGrath and 8 undergraduate psychology students have spent the last 2 weeks exploring Nepal. They have been working with agencies treating intellectually disabled youth and visited schools to observe the treatment of children with malnutrition. The group have also been guided by Projects Abroad exploring Chitwan National Park. It has been an incredibly rewarding experience for all.
Dr Rachel Hogg participated in TedX Wagga Wagga in November. Rachel provided an impactful and thought provoking presentation on the discourses used when talking about domestic violence and trauma. The talk was live streamed and on the TedX Wagga Wagga Facebook page and will be available on YouTube in the future.
Associate Prof Gene Hodgins also appeared in a recent episode of Catalyst on ABC. In the episode “Lily’s Life Hack’s, Gene shared his clinical experience as a Psychologist, talking about the life hack of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and ways that we can challenge our thinking and distinguish between thoughts and emotions. The episode is available on ABC iview (approximately 40 minutes into the episode): https://iview.abc.net.au/show/lily-s-life-hacks/video/SC2210H001S00 Dr Rachael Fox and Associate Prof Andrew McGrath recently received a mention in Parliament from Joe McGirr MP, the Independent member for Wagga Wagga for their action research. This research involved a group of 8 young people affected by the Black Summer Bushfires producing artwork reflecting their experiences. Collaboration with local artist, Claire Harris, and funded by Sustainability CSU, has resulted in a powerful exhibition of work titled Burning Generation. The research has received media coverage on ABC radio and ABC news The research team have received an additional $50,000 in funding to extend their work, with another exhibition planned for 2024