In late April 2024, the Grant Development team delivered a workshop on utilising the Research Project Request (RPR) workflow, including how to fill out the relevant forms to ensure a smooth process.
The recording for this workshop can be accessed here.
It was fantastic to see a high level of attendance and participation from Faculty, with a lot of great discussion on different scenarios and aspects of the process.
Going forward, the Grant Development team will be offering a similar workshop each session to enable knowledge refresh and ongoing feedback and discussions with our researchers. We will promote these through Faculty as they are scheduled in.
A new tool that was referenced during the workshop is the RPR Checklist for Researcher and Approvers. This form is hosted under the Submit tab in the Application Approval and Submission webpage of the Research Hub, as follows:

Please note that this checklist is a guide to the common things that the Grant Development team encounter when progressing applications through the workflow – it is not intended to be an exhaustive list given the significant variance in external grant guidelines depending on the funding body and scheme.
If after watching the recording and reviewing the checklist you have further queries, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team on research-preaward@csu.edu.au. We’re here to help!