While the Executive Dean is in China I wanted to convey some important developments in our academic teaching environment. The rapid advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) are significantly influencing education, providing new tools and approaches for teaching and learning. The University is developing a strategic plan for AI which should be released soon. To support the University in adapting to these changes, Dr Jacqueline Tinkler, Sub-Dean, of Learning and Teaching, FOAE has established the University Community of Practice on AI. This initiative is open to all teaching staff and aims to facilitate the sharing of ideas, strategies, and best practices for incorporating AI into our educational practices.
The faculty is undertaking an Assessment Principles Project. This project will review a sample of assessments across various subjects within our faculty to ensure consistency, fairness and alignment with our assessment principles. Our goal is to develop assessment practices that accurately reflect student learning outcomes and maintain academic integrity.
As we transition to the new Learning Management System, it is essential that all teaching staff complete Brightspace training as soon as possible. Becoming proficient with Brightspace will help us deliver a more streamlined and effective learning experience for our students. The platform offers functionalities that can enhance our teaching methods and support a more interactive and engaging educational environment.
Your participation in these initiatives is important for our collective progress. Adapting to AI, refining our assessment practices, and mastering Brightspace will help us continue to provide high-quality education that meets the needs of our students.
I would like to congratulate Teaching Academy Research Grant recipients for 2024:
Dr Prasada Podugu, Dr. Bianca Spaccavento, Prof. Suzanne McLaren, and Dr. David Harding from the School of Psychology who will conduct research that aims to explore how graduates from Charles Sturt University psychology courses practice in rural/remote/regional (RRR) areas of Australia. The study will establish the challenges psychologists face, their needs, and how Charles Sturt’s training prepares them for effective work in RRR areas. The findings will provide insights into the experiences of Charles Sturt graduates in RRR areas, shedding light on factors influencing their choice to work. This research will provide implications for improving the teaching and learning of professional psychology programs at Charles Sturt. Understanding of the challenges graduates experience will also contribute to improved L & T and graduate outcomes.
Dr Miao Li, Dr Saeed Shaeri. And Ms Chelsea Kovacs was also awarded a Teaching Academy Research grant. The team from the School of Computing, Mathematics and Engineering will research the development of an engineering curriculum that employs a community-centered pedagogy, integrating real-world contexts to foster problem-solving skills, cultural competency, and social responsibility. In the first year, students engage in human-centred design while they communicate with clients via a gateway. In the second year, they work on community-sourced projects, delivering prototypes and engaging directly with clients. Subsequently, students embark on placements as cadets, addressing clients’ needs while gaining practical experience. The project will evaluate the efficacy of this pedagogy, utilising thematic analysis of interview transcripts from seven cohorts. This endeavour aims to inform and refine the course’s community-centred approach, ultimately cultivating socially responsible engineers with empathy, collaboration, and sustainability at their core.
Dr Troy Whitford
Sub Dean Learning and Teaching