HEA Fellowships

NLA fellowships

Following on from a successful conversation starter regarding HEA Fellowship on Thurs 4th April, the Teaching Academy will be holding another session designed to support staff to understand which category of HEA Fellowship is right for them. We encourage staff to come to the session having reviewed the CSU Advance HE Fellowship 2024 Guidelines and having used the Fellowship Category Tool to determine which category of Fellowship is the closest match to their current practice. Participants are advised to bring along their Fellowship category report to the session.

Event registration details: https://www.csu.edu.au/division/learning-teaching/teaching/teaching-academy/capabilities-development/events/events/current-events/2024-hea-fellowship-event-what-category-of-hea-fellowship-is-right-for-me

The slides and recording from our first HEA event on 4th April 2024 available here: https://www.csu.edu.au/division/learning-teaching/teaching/teaching-academy/capabilities-development/events/events/current-events/teaching-academy-grants-2024-information-session