Associate Dean Research, Professor Zahid Islams invite you to an outstanding presentation by our very own superheroes, Ms. Fleur Horsley, Social Media Strategist, and Ms. Dawn Tukuniu, Researcher Development Officer. The online presentation commences 16 April at 2pm until 3.30pm.
As many of you are aware, some top quality research demonstrates a significant correlation between a strong social media presence and a higher number of citations for our publications.
Fleur will discuss the importance of social media engagement and share strategies and tips for enhancing our presence on platforms like LinkedIn. This is aimed at increasing the visibility of our research and, potentially, its citation rate.
Fleur’s presentation will last approximately 45 minutes, followed by a Q&A session. You can also submit relevant questions you may have in advance via email to Ms. Dawn Tukuniu (dtukuniu@csu.edu.au), allowing Fleur to address them after her presentation.
Please avail this great opportunity to hear from Fleur and Dawn on this interesting topic.
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