From Professor Zahidul Islam Associate Dean (Research)
This is a friendly reminder to my esteemed colleagues that before applying for funding (e.g., an expression of interest, preliminary proposal, full proposal, tender, and contract research and/or consultancy application) from an external organization, we MUST have the proposal/application approved by our Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research).
Approval must be secured prior to submission, irrespective of whether Charles Sturt University is the lead or a participating organization in the project. Please note that all research funding received by Charles Sturt University obligates the University to a legal contract with the funding body, ensuring the execution of research tasks and delivery of outcomes.
Detailed information including the flowchart below can be accessed at:

Comprehensive guidance regarding the grant application and management process is available on the CSU webpages. The screenshot below, taken from a CSU webpage, shows the recommended steps for the development of a funding application. For further assistance or inquiries about the RPR submission process for your external grant application, please feel free to contact the Grant Development Team at research-preaward@csu.edu.au.

The benefits of HERDC income include the ability to materialise our research initiatives, convert our innovative ideas into impactful outcomes, and attract more Research Block Grants (RBG) for the University. Therefore, my heartfelt thanks to all colleagues taking initiatives in attracting HERDC income for us.