Winter has now officially departed, and if you’re an avid gardener like me you may have already made a start on getting some seedlings in the ground in time for spring and summer. Thank you to all those who took time out to complete the Your Voice survey to provide your feedback, I’m expecting to get the results soon and will cascade the results throughout each area to make progress on reinforcing the things we are doing well and make improvements on feedback which suggests we could improve.
On the subject of surveys, I would also like to thank those who took part in the FoBJBS communications survey. We received 92 responses, and the feedback was valuable. The results will be released on the BJBS blog in October along with announcements about how we will modify communication from the Faculty in the future.
In August I represented the Faculty and the University attending the IBM Think 2023 Conference, Amazon Web Services Executive briefing in Sydney and the EduTECH conference in Melbourne. I was also fortunate enough to have braved the elements at the Attestation Parade in Goulburn on 18th August where 159 students attested and are now working in police stations across NSW.
During August the University conducted several open days across our campuses. These events were well attended, and I would like to extend a special thank you to all staff and students who attended and helped out on the day, especially given the events were held on Sundays. I had the pleasure of attending the Bathurst event and took the opportunity to go on the tour of the student facilities to get a better sense of student life on our campuses and was impressed with the quality of the accommodation in Bathurst.
2023 FoBJBS HDR Conference
Registration is now open for the faculty HDR Conference in Wagga Wagga on 22nd and 23rd November 2023. The title of the conference is “Embrace the Evolution of Work and Research in the Age of Automation and Artificial Intelligence”.
For further details see the BJBS blog Register Now! FOBJBS HDR Conference 2023 – BJBS Blog (csu.edu.au)
Implementation of the Learning Management System (LMS)
I acknowledge there is some interest in the implementation of Brightspace our new LMS. There has been additional information posted on the Division of Learning and Teaching website and via the FoBJBS blog. I would encourage you to visit the sites and get a better understanding of the process to follow. LMS Implementation – BJBS Blog (csu.edu.au)
Charles Sturt University Sydney
I’d like to thank our Deputy Dean, Professor Jenny Kent, for attending the launch event of Charles Sturt University Sydney with our partner Navitas. The courses that we will be offering are: Bachelor of Information Technology, Bachelor of Accounting, Bachelor of Business, Master of Professional Information Technology, Master of Professional Accounting (Professional Practice).
A number of international stakeholders and agents received an initial viewing of the North Sydney site which will not officially open until early next year before our first intake in semester 1 2024. There is still a huge amount of work to be done to get ready for that, but I would like to thank everybody who has been involved in progressing this massive undertaking thus far. We will continue to provide updates as we make progress towards the official launch.