Special thanks to Dr Prue Gonzalez Sub-Dean, Learning and Teaching Faculty of Science and Health/ Senior Lecturer in Environmental Management
There are multiple ways to access and download reports about students who have applied for an Automatic 7-Day Extension in your subject.
Watch this very short screencast (3m15s) to find out about the different ways to access and download reports:
The screencast takes you through the following information formats:
- An email notification will be sent to the Subject Coordinator from the Special Consideration Request System for each student who applied for an Automatic 7-Day Extension.
- Staff can search the Special Consideration System for special consideration requests: https://apps.csu.edu.au/specialcons/
- Staff can search for and download an Automatic 7-Day Extension Report of students who have received an Automatic 7-Day Extension for a given subject via Tableau. Please note: to access the Tableau server, staff must be connected to the CSU network or using the Virtual Desktop.
Useful Bookmarks for your Browser:
Special Consideration Request Form: https://apps.csu.edu.au/specialcons/
7 Day Automatic Extension Report Tableau (CSU network access required): https://bi.csu.edu.au/#/site/CSUAnalytics-Prod/views/SpecialConsiderationsAutoExtensionReport/AutoExtension?:iid=5
CSU Assessment Flexibility Procedure: https://policy.csu.edu.au/document/view-current.php?id=514
7-Day Automatic Extension Staff FAQs: https://cdn.csu.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0009/4165029/Assessment-seven-day-auto-extension-FAQs.pdf