CSU Leadership meet with delegation from Yangzhou University – Source CSU Media
This month we had the opportunity to reflect on the achievements of Charles Sturt as we celebrated Foundation Day. Starting in 1989, from an amalgamation of the Riverina Murray Institute of Higher Education in Albury and Wagga Wagga and the Mitchell College of Advanced Education in Bathurst. Charles Sturt now boasts additional campuses in Dubbo, Orange and Port Macquarie and we proudly teach students from across the world. This was my second foundation day at Charles Sturt, my first was in Dubbo and this year I had the opportunity to be part of the festivities in Bathurst. Thank you to all those that attended and helped on the day.
I would like to recognise the work being undertaken by Dr Joshua Kelson from the School of Psychology. Joshua is researching in the field of teaching and virtual reality. A podcast has been posted on the blog which explains his work in further detail. I would encourage you to listen to it as I believe virtual reality will likely be a vital teaching and assessment tool in the future. Dr Joshua Kelson on Virtual Reality and Teaching – BJBS Blog (csu.edu.au)
Professional development is an important part of our academic growth, and I would encourage all Academic staff to keep up to date with regular professional development. The Division of Learning and Teaching has compiled a professional development calendar, I recommend having a look and seeing what new skills you can develop. PD Planner for 202360 – BJBS Blog (csu.edu.au). Staff can also access professional development opportunities through, LinkedIn Learning and the suite of courses offered via the course catalogue in the ELMO Training System
I would just like to highlight some developments in the research and ethics space. You may be aware that from 1 July 2023, all ethics approval applications submitted to the Animal Ethics Committee (AEC), or the Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) will require evidence that the Chief/Principal Investigator, whether staff or student, has completed the required ethics eLearning modules. Each ethics eLearning module requires re-completion every 3 years.
I have noticed some unease about the role of AI and student assessments. I would encourage all teaching staff to remind students that at present in almost all cases AI cannot be used to complete assessment items. Alternatives to AI are outlined on a student facing website. Please make sure your students are aware of the information. Your guide to generative AI – Current Students (csu.edu.au)
Deputy Dean Appointment
I’m also pleased to announce that Professor Jenny Kent has been confirmed as Deputy Dean, Faculty of Business Justice and Behavioural Sciences.
Jenny formally commences in the role on 31st July 2023, and I know that you will join me in congratulating Jenny on her appointment. As a result of this appointment a formal recruitment process will soon commence to appoint our next Associate Dean (Academic) via internal EOI.