The Academic Integrity Modules are currently being reviewed by DLT for updates before a full redesign in the new LMS.
Feedback Required
From a student and staff perspective, what is the good, the bad and the ugly of the modules? Are there key components that you would like to see fixed? Is there information missing that needs to be added? Is some of the information wrong for your discipline? Are the quizzes useful? What has been your experience with student feedback? Any/all feedback and suggestions are welcome.
The AI Module can be accessed here: https://csu.elmotalent.com.au/learning/view-course/43
Staff are able to view the student facing site via a Blackboard org site. They can self-enrol in this site by:
- Logging into i2 – https://interact2.csu.edu.au/
- Select “Organisations”
- Organisations search “Academic Integrity (Staff)”
- Click to enrol
Please provide feedback by replying to FOBJBS-SDeanLTeach@csu.edu.au