From the Library
Access conditions vary on individual textbook titles and according to publisher specifications. Some platforms will allow you to download or print specific chapters or sections, while some will let you download the whole book.
This started in 2020 when Cengage, Wiley and Oxford University Press changed their DRM (Digital Rights Management) limits on ProQuest to remove or reduce print and download limits. Lexis Nexis did the same early last year.
Increasingly some titles available through ProQuest Ebook Central can only be read online and have very limited or no print, copy or download allowances. This may impact students’ online access and increase demand on hardcopies of textbooks in the Library collection reducing availability for study and exams.
If you have an eBook as a prescribed textbook or required reading (particularly those connected to assessment items) in your reading list, you may wish to check the access conditions soon and share the details with students early in the session.
Librarians are ready to help you with this. Please reach out to your BJBS Library Faculty Team if you have questions or would like to discuss readings options for future sessions.