From Lachlan Kalache, Learning Innovation Lead, Division of Learning & Teaching
Padlet has released a raft of new features in their ‘Summer Release’ – I’ve summarised some of the more interesting updates (to me at least), although you can read the full detail on the padlet blog here.
Your padlet posts can now be set to publish (appear) at a particular date and time.

Users can now choose to add a simple poll (vote, quiz or survey) to their posts. The response scores are then visible within the live padlet wall.

Mentions / tagging (other padlet account holders)
If you mention someone (@thisotherguy) in a post, they’ll receive an email notification. This relies on the other person being a padlet user on the account however, so it’s going to be other csu staff (who use padlet) only.

Post Drafting
If you draft a post in any padlet wall, it will auto save and you can then retrieve it elsewhere later on. From what I can see, this involves minimising your post (as a retrievable tab) when you click anywhere else. Clicking on it brings it back to the fore, for you to then (presumably) publish. The auto save and retrieval also works across devices, as long as you’re logged into the same padlet account – so you could be capturing content on a mobile devices (photos etc) and adding those to padlet post drafts, which would then also be visible to you on your pc padlet wall. Confused yet?

AI Generated Images ‘I can’t draw’
Padlet has onboarded a generative-AI drawing tool, affectionally called ‘I can’t draw’. It will create your image based on the text prompts you provide.

Auto-moderation – Padlet ‘Safety Net’
Padlet now has an AI-powered moderator of all posts, which will review each contribution and then notify the board creator / admin etc. when potentially inappropriate content has been added.

Export and embed slideshows
As you may be aware, zoom now has a Slideshow function (play button in the nav bar), which will open up each of the posts on your wall as powerpoint-esque slides to work through. This feature has now been added to with the option to embed the slideshow itself in a web page, or to export it as a pdf. The embed option also then includes a toggle for autoplay / not.. as well as adjustable size

Padlet App for Zoom
Yes there is one – we’re currently looking into whether or not it’s a good fit (functional), or a horrible mess for authentication like the Mentimeter plugin. More to follow.