The recommendation to mandate evidence of completed ethics eLearning modules (Research Integrity, Animal Ethics, Human Research Ethics) has been accepted following outcomes of Internal Audit.
From 1 July 2023, all ethics approval applications submitted to the Animal Ethics Committee (AEC), or the Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) will require evidence that the Chief/Principal Investigator, whether staff or student, has completed the required ethics eLearning modules.
Provision of evidence accepted will be:
Copy of the eLearning Certificates showing completion, with date, or
Copy of the report of completed training, with date for the Chief/Principal Investigator – reported to Heads of School and Research Institute Executive Directors monthly.
Written (email) confirmation, from the Head of School or Research Institute Executive Director, that evidence has been sighted, noting the date of completion.
Applications submitted without accompanying confirmation of completion of the required training, with date to show currency, will not be progressed to the relevant Committee for approval.
Next Steps
Heads of School and Research Institute Executive Directors
If you do not already receive monthly reports from the Division of People and Culture (DPC), contact your DPC Business Partner to request support.
All staff
Ensure you keep your eLearning training ELMO modules up to date. Each ethics eLearning module requires re completion every 3 years – https://www.csu.edu.au/division/people-culture/current-staff/my-employment/professional-development/online-learning/elmo
Advise all students of the requirement to have their ethics modules completed prior to preparing an ethics application.
The Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Research and Innovation, with the Research Integrity Unit, will monitor this new process and implement process improvements where possible.
Please forward any enquiries to pvcri@csu.edu.au