A message from Professor Janelle Wheat Pro Vice-Chancellor Learning & Teaching
I am pleased to announce the CSEdX theme for 2023 is:
Developing Digital Literacy and Critical Thinking Skills in a Hybrid World.
Our theme reflects the impact of generative artificial intelligence (AI) on higher education as generative AI continues to advance rapidly, forcing us to consider how we address its risks, impacts and opportunities.
Our two streams across the three days are:
- Stream one: Teaching students to identify and evaluate online resources as responsible digital citizens
- Stream two: Facilitating meaningful learning experiences in a hybrid environment
These streams provide a focus for your submissions. Our submission portal will open Wednesday, 05 July and will close Monday, 07 August.
Our conference will be over three days from Tuesday, 14 November to Thursday 16 November, 9.30am to 1.00pm each day.
If you haven’t already, please mark these dates in your diary.
Keep up to date on the CS EdX website and email csedx@csu.edu.au with any inquiries.